Cultural Management

Cultural Management

  • 2019:  Promoter restoration project of the Piura’s Band Shell, across between public institutions and private sector, including the art work. 
  • 2017-2015  Director of Social Development and Promotion of Los Organos District Municipality, my responsability was promote the culture, tourism, sports and social programs in the district.

Cultural Events Planner

  • 2017 – 2015: Event planner of 196, 195 and 194 National Anniversary in Los Organos.
  • 2016 y 2015: Event planner of 52 and 51 Los Órganos District Anniversary.
  • 2016 y 2015: Event planner of Los Órganos Beauty Contest 2016 and 2015.
  • 2013: Co-organizer Opening of my mural Aptitud Piajena made for Piura Regional Government. The event had musical presentations, poetry recitals and fashion show.
  • 2013: Co- organizer of “Iquitos Urban Music Fest” made for Maynas Provincial Municipality in the 149 Iquitos Anniversary.
  • 2012: Event Planner as part of the Maynas Finnacial Enterprise`s Marketing Team in the First National Meeting of Finnacial Enterprises, Iquitos.
  • 2010: to the present Co-organizer of all my individual exhibitions.
  • 2008: to the present Organizer of urban music shows.